Friday, July 11, 2008

All in a day....

We spent the night at my mom's last night since I did her and her best friend's hair. What should have been an uneventful sleepover turned out to be one obnoxious night for all of us. Somehow, the back of Mom's house has become home to a mosquito hive (though there is no standing water to be found...). The little buggers come out to feast at night - this night on Ami's face. After a fitful night of little sleep, I myself having batted away little "buzzes" in the blackness all night, I awoke to see Ami slightly resembling the Elephant Man. Poor Blue didn't go to sleep til 1 am but I dragged him up to look at her puffy eye at 7. We thought it was from the mosquito but I took her to urgent care to be sure. That was a fun waste of 2 hours. I've waited all day for the swelling to go down, and now I'm just pissed. Her eye seems to be getting MORE inflamed. I counted Caidgen's bites, by the way, before he got in the shower tonight and there were 17 that I could easily see on his face, neck and arms. I've got quite a few myself. Blue apparently has bitter blood because he's bump free.
funner news: Caidgen can officially blow bubbles! He did it all evening long. I'm bursting with pride - seriously! It's been something he's always wanted to do. Ah...success.
Success has certainly NOT gone to his head. He's still just a goof. Ami insisted on taking his pic tonight after reading time, and HE insisted on making a funny face. That's what they do all DAY LONG - make each other laugh with ridiculous gestures and sounds. It certainly motivates me to not let them stay up too late. I need QUIET!!!!!!

One last news of the day - nothing silly about it. My doctor called and wants a specialty ultrasound because my baby has too much fluid in his kidneys. It's hopefully nothing, but when the doctor calls at 5 pm and is taking it seriously, I get nervous. I'm kinda sad about it all. I don't want my little KICKER to be broken....


Melinda said...

Hey, I got the book back. Thanks! Sorry about your bad night. Dawson spent a couple hours after the last few storms down in our window wells catching mice, frogs and gofers. Yuk! And that was at our own house!
I hope Ami is feeling better. Cute pictures.

Taylor and Stephanie Haught said...

Oh man, poor Ami! Congratulations Caidgen on learning how to blow a bubble, that is so awesome! Keep us posted on the little Haught boy, we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!

S. and A. Millar said...

Hey I hope Ami's face is clearing up, I hate mosquitos! When do you get your ultra sound? What did Tricia say the cause is for excess fluid in the kidneys? Let me know what happens!!