Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Trey" - my 6th pregnancy

That's right; we're having another baby. We are 19 weeks now. These photos are at 18 weeks. Notice how SKINNY the baby is in the 3D pic! I know it's normal at 18 weeks, but seeing it made me just want to gain weight! (No probs there.)
My husband and I prayed a lot about having another baby. He didn't want to do it if it would die. We felt peace about it in December - not any big Moses moment answer, but feelings of peace. So we decided to try in January.
I was already pregnant. Just for TMI, I must have ovulated WAY late in November and made this little guy.

We thought right off he was a boy, mainly because I was so sick. Boys make me want to die. To add to it, my husband over time had 3 dreams that we had a little boy. I had one early on - that we had a boy and he was small. So, knowing now as I do that we never know how long these babies get to stay with us, I went at 16 weeks to a free ultrasound at at PHX school to find the sex out ASAP. (Thanks so my sister in law for the reference.) I wanted - and still do - to see this baby as much as I could because we just don't know how long he will be with us. He's here now, and I want my kids to enjoy him while they can. Luckily, they were able to see boy parts. :) Our dreams weren't crazy. He moved a lot! Looked normal size and without any obvious probs.
The detailed scan at 18 weeks showed us he's still a boy and still healthy. They even did a cross section of an artery in his brain and determined he's not anemic like Claire was! This is amazing technology to me. Had my last doc done this weeks before I had her, when I first complained of decreased movement it would have revealed what was going on a lot earlier. But I don't write that out of anger. I believe she was meant to be born the day she was. I know even if they found her hydrops sooner, her chances of survival were SLIM. For myself personally, I can have peace. For the millions of moms out there though, who feel something's not right, I say, go to someone else if your trusted doc blows you off. You are usually right.
I digress. So, we are on the horse again, as they say. You'd think it would make me happier, or lesson the grieving. No. I miss my lost kids a lot. I will miss them until I can get to know them someday. But this pregnancy does give me something to forward focus on. And it does help my children A LOT. My daughter was at first really upset about it. She said she didn't want another baby because all our babies just die. But she's the one who's so gushy with me and who talks to the baby every day now. She's come around and now she's quite attached. Just this a.m. she was talking to the baby while we got ready. My son said, "who are you talking to?"
She said, "The baby! He can hear us, you know." She hugs my belly daily. I PRAY this baby lives for her sake more than anyone's.
I feel like he will. I have pondered over it daily for many months. From before he was conceived. And I feel like I have recieved a personal answer that he will live. But I try to do my part by seeing a high risk team of docs. I monitor his heart beat every morning and evening. Just last week my friend gave me a blood pressure cuff so I can add that to my regime. I take my pressue at night. There is an unresearched link to low blood pressure and stillborns. My BP is now, during pregnancy, about 95/56. That's way low to me. How can I raise that stuff?!
And last of all, I will hopefully soon add kick counts twice a day to the monitoring. I am FRUSTRATED because my placenta is attached right in the front of my stomach - you know- right where the baby kicks? So he's kicking and I can't feel it. It absorbs the movement. I see him kick a lot on ultrasounds. I hear it in the dopler at home. But I don't feel it. I only am able to feel it really high or really low. I will ask the doc next week if this will change as he gets bigger. How can a mom who NEEDS kick counts have a front-facing placenta?! This is the first time I have ever had one.
So, for the next 19 weeks, I hope to keep updates on this baby. I hope it's so, so boring.


Audra Owens said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful news and I'm so happy for you! Really really! I'm glad you have something positive to look forward to and no doubt he will never replace your little ones, but he can certainly help fill the void. I will be anxiously watching your future updates in the coming months.

Jenn Comolli said...

Congratulations! Here's to a healthy (and uneventful) rest of the pregnancy! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Eldredge Family said...

Tears are flowing and I am just so happy for you! I love the name by the way! One of my sons is Treyton and he is such a joy to us! Here is to a short 20 more weeks of boring posts! My kids said to this a take home baby like aunt nanas baby or is this going to be a grave yard baby? Yes questions like that almost kill you and you pray so hard for a healthy happy baby that gets to stay around. I joke around I want this baby to be special but not so special it has to go back home!

Los Torrientes said...

WOW. That is awesome. You are both brave and blessed. Here's to lots of yawns and bored sighs. I appreciate your encouragement to others to follow their intuition and get second opinions, too. Such sound advice. Here's to your intuition on Angel #6. (p.s. how does one REALLY look that good after 6 kids? You've got to enjoy how great you look!)

Lauren Porter said...

I am so happy for you! I think about you more than you know. I miss you and wish I lived closer. I love the name. I am praying for all of you and especially Trey. He is a lucky baby to come to such a wonderful family. Loves!

Carrie said...

What stood out to me most in this post is the peace you felt in December... when you were already pregnant! Isn't the spirit amazing sometimes in his timing... to prepare you for what was already started. I am so happy for you. I am happy that you have something to focus on, as you said and you will be in my prayers that everything will go smoothly as you feel it will.

Katie said...

FINALLY it's public!!!!!!! I am going to admit that I laughed when you said we're "on the horse again..." because my mind jumped to a ummmm.....different kind of horse. Sorry I have to be your perv friend, but it just comes so naturally. Love you!

Bri said...

Aw, Katie Katie! She is so fun. I am so encouraged that you have peace about Trey's life. I'll bet your kids are happy to have something positive and helpful to focus on, too.

Stock Family said...

I am very excited for you and your family! You are more educated this time around too and I will pray for a live baby for you to take home! The power of prayer is real, I know for a fact. Congrats and good luck with everything!! Can't wait to hear more updates!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I hope Trey brings some much needed healing to your family.

Kaylani said...

The Mavity's are super excited for you. You're in our prayers and I'm sure little Trey is getting many instructions from Jackson and Claire on how to bring their momma some angel-love. How exciting!

Kathleen said...

Miraculous! All the impressions you have had about this baby boy are wonderful. We will pray that the rest of your pregnancy and especially your labor and delivery go very well. Each one of your soon-to-be seven children are so blessed to have you two as their eternal parents.

Holly Garvin said...

I am so happy for you guys!!!!!!!!!

Kaitlin Hakes said...

YEAH!!! Congratulations!! We are so excited for you guys! I think this means we are due the same time! We will keep you in our prayers! We love you guys!

The Porter's said...

Oh my goodness this is such great news, I will be praying for your family and your little bun.I hope your days are getting better.

the lucas' said...

Congratulations!! Grandma told me the news the other day. I'm so excited for you. Please keep us updated, you are in my prayers!!

Cindy said...

Congratulations Kelly, such wonderful news. I love to read your blog and have been following since I found you after losing my own son. Wishing you all the best, you will be in my thoughts and prayers

Anonymous said...

I have three wonderful kids, they are 4,7,8. They are 2 boys and my youngest a girl. In the past 2 years I have had 2 misscarrages. Every time i go to the baby section I want to cry it reminds me so much of what we lost. I have read your story and it gives me hope. I also truely believe that this angel that you are caring will be healthy and well. My prayers to you.